Saturday, February 8, 2014


          So, I was walking down the street, and I saw this guy vehemently convincing a light post of something. Okay, maybe that statement isn't true, but passion is an interesting thing. Sometimes, we are passionate about something that isn't tangible, or something that other people don't believe in. Sometimes we are passionate about something that everyone else is passionate about, like money. When it boils down to it, we're all passionate about something. Some of us are even passionate about how apathetic toward everything we are. I used to be that guy, but when it came down to the nitty gritty, all I wanted was something to work toward. Even on those days where I just can't seem muster up the strength to get out of bed and do something productive, I get passionate about those shamefully pleasurable Netflix binges. Since it would appear you and I have these deep-seeded primordial instincts to be passionate about something, why not be passionate about something that makes you happy?! Or, even better, be devoted to discovering that which makes you happy!